- 是单纯的使用rust“翻译”原始的C代码,比如:
// The multiboot header struct
pub struct MultibootHeader {
pub magic: u32,
// ISA
pub architecture: u32,
// Total header length
pub header_length: u32,
// Checksum of the above fields
pub checksum: u32,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
#[repr(C, packed)]
pub struct VBEControlInfo {
/// VBE Signature aka "VESA".
pub signature: [u8; 4],
/// The VBE version.
pub version: u16,
/// A far pointer the the OEM String.
pub oem_string_ptr: u32,
/// Capabilities of the graphics controller.
pub capabilities: VBECapabilities,
/// Far pointer to the video mode list.
pub mode_list_ptr: u32,
/// Number of 64KiB memory blocks (Added for VBE 2.0+).
pub total_memory: u16,
/// VBE implementation software revision.
pub oem_software_revision: u16,
/// Far pointer to the vendor name string.
pub oem_vendor_name_ptr: u32,
/// Far pointer to the product name string.
pub oem_product_name_ptr: u32,
/// Far pointer to the product revision string.
pub oem_product_revision_ptr: u32,
/// Reserved for VBE implementation scratch area.
reserved: [u8; 222],
/// Data area for OEM strings.
oem_data: [u8; 256],
- 是否需要 construct a Multiboot2 header at runtime,这样的话需要增加一些DST的类型(比如需要引入helper type to create boxed DST)
- 如果后续还需要增加其他引导协议的话,这个引导协议与kernel的接口(目前使用的multiboot2)是不是也要增加抽象呢?