25 Winter Camp Lab 2 - reported by M.Parsee

Step 1. Write the Dockerfile


# Image pre-built from the official Rust image
# base on the Debian Bullseye slim image
FROM rust:1.83.0-slim-bullseye AS base

# Copy the source code and the Cargo.toml file
COPY ./Cargo.toml ./Cargo.toml
COPY ./src ./src
RUN cargo build --release

# Image to run the final binary
FROM debian:bullseye-slim

# It's usual to set the working directory to /app

# Only copy the final binary from the build stage
# The binary is located at /app/target/release/helloworld, 
# since we are using the release profile.
COPY --from=base /target/release/helloworld /app/helloworld

# Finally, we run the binary
CMD ["./helloworld"]

Step 2 - 3. Build and run a Docker Image

  • Run docker buildx build -t test-hello:v0.1 . to start building.
  • Use domestic images to make the pull process faster.
  • Also, proxy is needed to connect with docker.io.
  • After the build process, run docker run -p 8888:8888 test-hello:v0.1 to run the app.

The results are as follows:

Please check whether you have buildx, or you’ll waste a little time struggling why -t tag is not supported :frowning:

I tried many times to build my app, but only found it not working, throwing connection refused error. This was caused by proxy.
After I changed my proxy, a new problem came along to me – failed size validation. I took a long time to find out the reason, but failed. The screenshot below is the output at that time.

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At last, thanks to DLC, for giving useful suggestions when I faced problems on Step 2.

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